Description |
FERKO Current Fees |
Overdraft Transfer (ODT) Fee |
$25.00 |
Insufficient Funds (NSF) Fee |
$25.00 |
Stop Payment Fee Ferko or PNC check |
1 Item |
$25.00 |
Multiple Items |
$25.00 |
Returned Items Deposit or Loan checks |
$15.00 |
Copy of Statement Interim or Quarterly |
$5.00 each |
Copy of cancelled check Ferko or PNC |
$5.00 each |
Replacement ATM/Credit/PIN |
$5.00 |
Dormant account fee (after 30 months with no activity) |
$5.00 a month |
Deposit Account Verification |
$5.00 |
Garnishment, tax levies, court orders |
$25.00 |
Account research/Reconciliation |
$15.00 hr; $10.00 Minimum |
Bad Address Returned Statement |
$0.00 |
Account Closure |
Voluntary w/in first six months |
$0.00 |
Involuntary closed by CU |
$0.00 |
Club account closed early |
$0.00 |